Greeting, hated people!
I hope everybody enjoyed their New Year (I sure did), and MLK day. If you didn't, who cares? Suck it up and better luck next year!
Now, on to the point of this post. Recently, I have been getting comments from a very interesting user, Anonymous (Ooh, SO mysterious.). I have decided to give my thoughts on each of Anonymous's comments.
"The Truth is only a matter of opinion: the "truth" that people only
ditch Nintendo because of things they believe were "ruined FOREVER" due
to their decisions. Good luck using up your time annoying and taking
away the innocence of fans that just want to stick to their gaming
companies and not having to deal with hater-trolls"
Awww, to bad for them! Frankly, I do not give a shit about your opinion on the Truth, or the supposed innocence of fans. You forget, trolling is a simple formula: troll hate + fan reaction = troll hate
Truth = the collected OPINION of Nintendo hatred orchestrated by fellow Sony fanboy-trolls/Ninty haters
I have already defined the Truth, and that's not it. Do more research.
There is no truth.
Depends on what you're talking about. Now, Truth, that's a different story.
Why did you make your channel private? I thought you liked strangers coming in and bitching on your channel.
Aww, shows you're following me, Anonymous! I made my channel private to get reaction, which is what I do.
My channel is now public for all to see again! Also, time for a little bit of blog tidbits:
-Just like Anonymous, feel free to express your feelings in the comments.
-I do love a good mystery. I'm offering a nifty reward to anybody who can identify this 'Anonymous'. Send all answers to ""
I'm sorry, I was spewing vague statements at the time, so please forgive my unclear statements. Now that your channel is back up, I guess I'll be seeing some Nintendrones spewing misinformed shit on your channel (hoo, boy). But anyways, good luck on your blog and channel and your quest to "spread the Truth".