Sunday, December 18, 2011


Greetings, fellow Truth seers!

It's been a mighty long time since I have posted. In that mighty long time, I've only been spreading Truth in what I would like to call the Expansion Project.


Basically, I have been trolling a LOT more Nintendo fags on YouTube. It's worked too. Just look a my channel.

I am also a big player in a new channel called WeareallHATERS, a club dedicated to the hating of Nintendo. It's a very, exclusive, tough group to get in. Oh, and acronyms!

Human gamers

Now, that deserves a big WOW.

Next, you guys have been playing your role as well. I have not posted since Nov. 30th, yet I get on average 4 views a day. Now, for an amateur blogger like myself, that is a lot of views. Here are the official stats:

Page Views

            Total .......................... 191            
            Average per Day .................. 4            
            Average per Visit .............. 1.9            
            This Week ....................... 31 


Did I tell you all I got another follower? Well if I didn't, shout out to Batman X! 

Finally, there's the big question: What's coming in 2012 to the blog?

Actually, quite a few things.

-The Expansion Project. Are you kidding me? Trolling to spread truth is a dream come true.

-PS VITA. Ah yeah, y'all knew it was coming.

-More interviews with Nintendo fags. I want all to see what goes in the head of those who like the gay company.

-YouTube Channel Integration. Every favorite, some channel comments, announcements of subs, and more.

-POLLS. The questionnaire kind, fellow hater.

-Videos. Also on Y.T.

-More rants on Nintendo franchises.

-Next generation console announcements, including Wii U, PS4, Nextbox.

Looks promising, huh?

Now, only one more post for this year, and then we head into 2012!

Happy Holidays, Haters!


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

100 Reasons Fanboys Hate Nintendo

1. RAM Expansion
2. Pikachu N64
3. Hey You! Pikachu
4. Nine years of B&W Game Boy
5. DS Lite has different charger
6. "Gamers were bored before Wii"
7. Still advertising Wii Sports
8. Electroplankton
9. Watermelon N64
10. Controller Paks
11. Sensor Bar
12. Burying us in Pokemon...
13. virtual migraine
14. Super Scope 6
15. Solar Jetman
16. Celebs toting GameCubes
17. "My name is Reggie. I'm about kicking ass."
18. ROB
19. Excitebike don't work!
20. Mario 2 is a dream
21. Censoring blood in MK
22. Play it Loud! ads
23. Super fx chip
24. Luigi's Mansion
25. Friend Codes
26. Motion Controls gimmicky
27. Weak Wii hardware
28. No hard drive
29. 480p max rez
30. Lazy designers don't use touch screen on DS
31. Industry bully (esp. '80s)
32. Wii Fit
33. Game Boy Micro
34. The Wizard - PowerGlove scene
35. Weak 3rd party support
36. Same shit, different Zelda
37. Starfox Adventures
38. "High horse" attitude
39. Mario is Missing
40. Miis lack customization
41. Piss-poor online setup
42. GameCube modem
43. Expensive cart games (N64)
44. Letting Rare go crazy
45. GBA connectivity underused
46. Abandoning the hardcore
47. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games
48. N64-DD
49. Still no portable GC
50. Zelda CD-I games (50)
51. The Dog from Duck Hunt
52. Red Steel ad - loser hiding behind couch
53. Wiimote condom
54. Wii have a problem
55. Media blacklisting
56. Wii Parties (evites)
57. Nintendo hates the environment (Greenpeace)
58. Wii marketing materials - 12yo girl b-day party
59. NES controller - rectangular corners
60. N64 Controller 'L' Button
61. GC Controller - kidneys, 1 bumper, etc.
62. Super Mario Sunshine Graffiti missions
63. Miis can't do anything!
64. Shortages - STILL?!?
65. Link looks like the elf from Rudolph
66. Real games, plz (magnetica, brain age, big brain academy, vision training, flash focus, picross)
67. Mario Party injuries
68. Old Man carrying a load in his pants
69. No online freebies like Japan
70. Wind Waker makeover
71. Lost Final Fantasy to Sony
72. Mom's Wii blog
73. Wii tour for soccer moms
74. Wii Photo Channel
75. You know, for kids!! (Manhunt 2)
76. Sailing in Wind Waker
77. Sailing in Phantom Hourglass
78. Sailing in Uncharted Waters
79. Cooking games
80. SMB movie
81. Hot Topic merchandise whoring
82. Gamecube handle
83. Crap RPGS
84. Iwata: "Customers don't want online games."
85. GBA cart batteries dying
86. NinjaBread Man / Annubis 2 / Rock n Roll Adventures / Billy the Wizard
87. Nicole Kidman DS ads in Europe
88. Finally got Crystal Chronicles
89. Crappy DS ports of big-name games (Need for Speed, Burnout, Call of Duty etc)
90. Kid electrocuted in Thailand
91. Yamauchi: "Our Customers don't know what they want."
92. Yamauchi: "[People who play RPGs are] depressed gamers who like to sit alone in their dark rooms and play slow games."
93. Yamauchi: "Customers are not interested in grand games"
94. Classic franchise not selling well -  Metroid
95. GameBoy peripherals that suck: e-reader
96. ...printer
97. ...back light
98. ...front light
99. ...pocket recording studio
100. Glut of crappy Virtual Console games

Update! (2-11-12) Congrats, this is the most popular post on the blog so far!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Youtube Favorites

Below are four videos dedicated to the hating of Nintendo. And the 360. Plus there's one awesome game trailer. Okay, you know what? My youtube favorites.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Blog So Far (II)

It's been a joyride, posting on this blog. I've interviewed fags, expressed my opinion, and advertised the hell out of it. Here's an update on how the blog's going.

-147 views. You know what, people? That SUCKS. I know at least one of you 147 are on Facebook or Twitter or even Myspace (blech). And if you have friends, which I really hope you do, there's nothing wrong with telling them about the blog.

-1 member. Another disappointment. If you read the blog and enjoy it, become a damn member. That's as nice as I can put it.

-Our one member is SonyPWNsNintendont. Congrats, man. Also, I would like to point at that he has also started a blog. Now, there are probably two common reactions to this.

"Oh, brother..."

"Ooh, competition!"

As for the first response, you can suck it. As for the second one, there is no competition. The goal of this blog is to spread the Truth, and that's exactly what a second blog is accomplishing. Now, know that I will not give a link every single post to the blog, entitled Sony Does What Nintendont. Instead, there is a dandy link to the right, under the subheading Fellow Nintendhaters.

-To all of those Nintendrones out there, if you'd like an interview to be posted here on the blog, P.M. me on Youtube.

-Speaking of Youtube, know that this blog is a collaboration with my Y.T. Channel. So you're not really getting the full experience.

-Next, some links to end the post:
░░║║║║║║╠  ║║║╠╣╠  ╠╣░░
░░╝╝╚╝╚╝╩╝╝╝╝╩╝╩╝╩╚░░Happy November 

Just a Little Art!

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┣━╯┃┈┃┃┃┗━╰━╯┃┈ Nintendo's a failure.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Fag of the Week: Sbroproductions (Otherwise known as Wegotlazy)

I know what you're saying.

"Nintendhater, why haven't you posted in a while?"

Well, the laziness monster crept up on me and attacked. I am using all of my willpower to type this post, which let me tell you, takes a lot of work.

Now on to the actual topic, our new fag of the week! This week, our fag is Sbroproductions, whose channel can be found on Youtube at any time.

"But why is he a fag, Nintendhater?"

It's not he, it's them. Sbro's account is ran by two brothers, Michael and David. Or at least, that's what they claim. They, or he, who knows, who cares, also have an alternate account, as I do, and plenty of other Youtubers. This is why our second, or first or whatever, fag of the week is Wegotlazy, who's so pathetic he/they begged people to subscribe on Youtube. And they did, of course. So if you ever hear of PurplePizzaPokemon, or FoxioLinkus, know that they will subscribe if you beg enough.

The funny thing is that I've called Sbro a bitch, fag, and wiitard in the past, and you know what he sees me as? A frenemy. That is right, this/these 'smart people, person' doesn't know who's friend or foe.

I could go off on other rants. He's canadian. See how I said that as if it's a bad thing? I don't think it is, but I've seen a lot of jokes revolving around the stereotypical 'eh' added to the end of their questions. I could talk about how he's a Jew, except for the fact that I don't know what a Jew is, precisely. I know all I need to, of course (WWII).

So, because I know that there are some whiny bitches who would report my ass in a minute, know that I mean no offense you/you guys, when it comes to that last paragraph. Everything else, OFFENSE. (See, I'm being honest. And honesty is the best policy, unless it's not.)

Finally, the most wonderful time of the year is here, starting with my birthday, November 14th. So, as my present, how about you subscribe to the RSS Feed, or my Youtube Channel?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

An Interview with Sotendo360, pt. 2

I know, I haven't posted in days, and with good reason, too. Reasons you can't know, of course. So, continuing with my little interview, I asked Sotendo who was his favorite fellow defender. And he said....

Jeez...everyone loves me....even myself. But my favorite defender is sebkav.

Have a least favorite? (Look at me, trying to start drama)

If they defend Nintendo then I have no beef with them.

Of course. If Nintendo ended up on the same path as Sega, would you buy another company's console for the games?

Would you go to a crack house to sober up?

I'll take that as a no. I must ask, have you ever played a shooter?

Yes I have. Metroid,Conduit,Gears of War(all of these games that have sequals I have played)Call of Duty,and Battlefield. Would RE count also?

Isn't GoW a Microsoft exclusive?

Yes it is Bob... 

You told me that you play GoW...yet, you also say you are a Nintendo fanboy. Explain, please.

Well the reason why I play Gears of War is because Cliffy B(one of the creators) Is also a Nintendo fan. He also supports the Wii U. Here is one of his quotes," It's Nintendo. I'll buy it. They'll talk shit but they'll buy it." So yeah....Cliffy B is one cool cat.

So what would you do if Jack Tretton liked Nintendo?

Screw Jackass Tretton. Although I don't have a problem of the CEO of Sony. That Japanese dude said this," I like Nintendo. I hope they succeed. They innovate. And that is good for us." So yeah. Jackass Tretton is just pure gay ass fanboy.

And I will take that as a no... Back to GoW, since you play it, do you play the 360?

Nope....Haven't played it in over a month. You see here..The reason I bought it was because it was Christmas...I was thinking about my little brother who liked games like Call of Duty and war games. And since he was 11 back then...Oh I thought he would like to burn that spastic energy out dancing like an ass with Kinect. Boom 2 weeks later Xbox gets Red Dot of Death and we sell Kinect to buy a 3DS. And I haven't even owned any games on it.

Okay, last two questions. You are probably going to buy the wii u...what's your favorite and least favorite thing about it?

My favorite thing about the Wii U is...well the Wii U itself. What's to hate? My least favorite thing about the Wii U is....WHY ISN'T IT OUT NOW?!

Now, last question, even though it's not a question. I would like for you to convince me to buy the wii u....why should I?

Alright. The Wii U's underclocked dev. kits tech demo was 30% of what the Wii U can do. The PS3 couldn't handle that. So you know...epic graphics. The games. It's gonna have the same 3rd party games as the PS3. It's gonna have HD Zelda. HD Metroid maybe with online. HD Mario maybe like a SMG which had excellent graphics on a 480p system. The online is gonna be great. That's why Ghost Recon ONLINE is going to be on it. You know we really don't need a Blu Ray. Just adds to the price. It's just an HD DVD player. People have DVD players laying all around the place.

Pretty good reasons...nothing new...but pretty good reasons.

Well thank you for your time. That's just about all I can say.

Thank you, Nintendhater! Are you single?

Not going to answer that. Soon, I will post my second interview, along with our new fag of the week! 


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

An Interview w/ Sotendo360

I got the chance to chat for a little while with one of my favorite Nintendnerds. I asked Sotendo a few questions, and here's what he had to say.

Aight aight...I'm actually a Nintendo fanboy. Not a Nintenfag....I can also be a Nintendawg. I prefer Nintendude over Sotendo360 and Sotendo.

Right, whatever. Question, why is your name Sotendo360 when you are in fact a Nintendo fanboy?

Well you see here...Bob, My little brother actually made this account. Me being well of course...ME! Took over the account. He likes all 3 companies(Nintendo being the best) While I only like 1(of course it's Nintendo).

But why do you like only Nintendo?

Sorry I'm on my 3DS right now actually. My sister wanted to get on Facebook....DAMN YOU SISTER!!! Well the reason I like Nintendo more is obvious.....They make the best games. Sony makes games where you are a white ass, bald, Tarzan with 2 swords(Kratos).

And Microsoft?
They have Halo.........Do I really need to explain how much I hate them? Now let me ask you a question Bob.... Why do you gotta hate on Nintendo? And rumor...Apparently the Vita isn't really HD it's like 120p....So yeah that's trash.

Excuse me, but I ask you answer. Next question, there's got to be at least one thing you dislike about Nintendo...what is it?

There is one thing I hate......1 thing.........AND THAT IS WHY ISN'T THE WII U OUT NOW?!.... And is your name really Bob...OR IS IT GABE?!

Do you think the wii u can potentially be a failure?

Hell no. It's gonna market to the hardcore and casual...So if it fails to market to can fall back on one of the 2. Also it's going to have great 3rd party support amazing 1st party and new IP's.... It's also powerful. So...yeah. How old are you Bob?

I can tell you that later...You are familiar with the defender v. troll breakout of comments on Youtube, right?

Yes I am... You see...I'm a defender. It is my job to confront the trolls head on. If they talk crap I'm there to talk smack back...They even have a theme song for me....The call me the DEFENDER.

Who's your least favorite troll?


Thank you! And who's your favorite?

Who is his favorite? Let's find out, in pt. 2! And don't forget to subscribe to both me and Sotendo360, most importantly, me!

Monday, October 31, 2011

What Will Happen Tonight?

Tonight, at around 9:00, I will be interviewing some very persistent Nintendnerds. This will get interesting, so stay tuned!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Blog So Far

I must say, posting on this blog has been tiring, but it's fun, attempting to make jokes and whatnot. However, I have been receiving a little hate mail, so I have a few more rules

2. Two posts a day- I will try, but there will be exceptions
3. Typos- I will make grammatical errors, I don't need hate for it.

Now, let's go on the Youtube aspect of things. I plan on making my blog and my channel hand-in-hand, so you can get all the hate I give out. So, if you follow the blog, why not subscribe to my channel? I already have a DS-hammer session coming.

And in the short four days the blog has existed, 91 people have viewed. And I have one follower, SonyPWNsNintendont. That's his Youtube username, so don't forget to subscribe! Plus, don't forget to spread the word about the blog. The more, the merrier. And hey, maybe I'll send one lucky person a hammered up DS.   

And on that note, have a Merry Halloween. Remember, if you're old enough to get your own candy, it's time to stop trick-or-treating. And don't forget to follow and subscribe!

Rules (Updated)

Rules of my Youtube Channel

1. If you send a friend request, I must know you, or at least know you hate Nintendo

2. If you subscribe, do not expect me to subscribe back. I do not subscribe to anybody.

3. Do not tell me to GTFO!! or something like that. I will not.

4. Several comments are deleted each week, so don't think I am crazy when I reply to people. If you'd like to know the comments, P.M. me and I will tell you.

5. I am not a Sony fanboy, but rather just a hater of Nintendo.

6. Insults will be treated very lightly. You have been warned.

7. I am a man of replies. If you reply to me, I probably will reply to you, so don't say "don't even bother to reply" or something like that.

8. Nintend is short for Nintendo. If you ask why I hate Nintendo, you must refer to my blog. If you ask if I dislike the wii u or the wii or the ds or Zelda or anything, refer to my username and you will get your answer.

Rules of the Blog

1. You may comment, for or against me.


This is the story of how Nintendhater was born.

There used to be a boy, 10 years old, who simply LOVED Nintendo. He only had a gamecube and a DS, but he was their biggest fan. He made Mario fan stories all the time, and didn't even know of the PS or the xbox's existence. One day, that 10 year old decided he wanted a wii. He got that wii, and he just didn't like it. Then he saw the Truth. Other kids at school had already seen It. The games had the WORST graphics, and were repetitive. He found the competitors were much better.

The games were just what he had inside always wanted. As his love for the other consoles grew, so did his dislike for Ninty (which he refused to call it that anymore) Then, he made important discoveries, such as console power, and graphics, and ratings and all that crap.

He realized that Nintendo was always lacking in those categories. The competitors were much, much better. Now, he just hated Nintendo. They had cheated him out of hid money. There was something so much better available. He thought, "why couldn't Nintendo be like these guys?"

Because Nintendo wanted money off of cheap graphics, and power. And they got it, too. It was unfair to the public, yet they kept on buying the same old Mario game with a different title every 3 years.

The boy, now about 13, was just sick with Nintendo. He was done. He apologized to his mother for making her buy his crap. And he cheerfully threw every Nintendo product he had in the trash.

Then he realized, why did people not know the Truth? He, now 15, had watched people on the youtube wii u video saying how AWESOME it was. But these people just didn't know. It was a shame.

He had seen people trolling, (arbit, aziantroll) and practiced how they trolled. He thought that if he added a bit more intellect to the statements ( no offense, fellow trolls), people would see the Truth.

Thus, he started researching his future enemies. He knew that as soon as he posted the first hated comment, people would come like mice to the trap.

He did just that, and everybody did exactly what he thought they would do. They didn't see It. But he did.

And that is the story of how Nintendhater was born.

The End.

Why Mario Sucks: Characters

We all know Mario, that pudgy Italian plumber in the overalls. Over the years, we can all admit to playing at least one Mario game. And the fact is, we (including me) enjoyed it. But gameplay's not what people hate about Mario. One of the things I hate are those damn characters.

Mario- My biggest beef with Mario is the fact that he isn't a character, he's an avatar. Many games have characters who are in fact an actual character, and an avatar (Ex. Drake from Uncharted). But Mario isn't a character. You could replace him with Obama, me, or a moving radio and all you would have to change is the name of the game.

Luigi- Same as Mario. However, one thing I like about Luigi is the fact that he's a coward. More on that below.

Peach- "MARIO, HOW ABOUT YOU COME RESCUE ME FROM EVIL TURTLES FOR THE UMPTEENTH TIME, AND I'LL GIVE YOU A KISS ON THE CHEEK!" Peach is such an ungrateful, whiny bitch, and with Bowser Jr always saying Peach is his mom, a few people need to talk with Maury Povich.

Wario- He's not original. Wario, alongside his pedophilish friend Waluigi, were just made to be mirror counterparts of Mario and Luigi. One game is fine, but him in several is just ridiculous.

Yoshi- Fag

DK- I must admit, the gorilla's a pimp, what with his slut of a girlfriend.
Yeah, total slut.

But DK doesn't know how to fight. Why, in his first appearance, he threw BARRELS at a regular human. Come, on, a 600 lb monkey can't go up to the guy and knock him one? Just once?

Bowser- The guy is an evil, giant, spiny, turtle. If I were Mario, I would be scared out of my mind. Luigi has every right to be a coward. Yet, all he does is lust after Peach. Why not take over McDonald's or something? He has all of those goombas and koopas, he can do something other than putting them in constant danger.

Hope you enjoyed, or at the very least, read this post! Don't forget to subscribe to the blog and my Youtube channel!
Merry Halloween!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Why Nintendo Fanboys Suck: They Can't See the Truth

You're going to look at the title and think "Hey, this guy's just some random guy who hates Nintendo. Ignoring." Well if you say that chances are the title of this post is referring to you (Yes, you!).

Nintendo fanboys, I can't stand them. They're annoying, hypocritical, know-it-alls, but if there's one thing they're good at, it's rushing to Nintendo's defense. Everything Nintendo does is not wrong at all to them, nothing at all. For example, I was recently having a with a fanboy, who will be featured on this blog sooner or later.

Me: What games are good for the 3ds?

"The upcoming games. Mario Kart, Monster Hunter, Kid Icarus, Kingdom Hearts ect. 3DS has better online Blu Ray is not really useful for video games besides using the disk format. There are a lot of new upcoming features for the 3DS so you judging it right now makes no sense cause like every console it gets better as time goes on"

Me: I don't care for the future, I want good games that are out NOW.

"They have given release dates for these games so complaining each day is not changing anything."

Me: Of course! But I still want to know what great games for the 3ds I can go and get right now, not for Christmas.

"Yes i realize you want the Games. But we have all realized when these games come out they will not magically appear Tomorrow. They take time making games so they are good they dont just rush them out"

Me: So you're saying that the reason Mario wasn't at launch was because they need time? Nintendo isn't stupid. One Mario at launch= sales, more than the pathetic number they have now.

"They put it Out Too Early I guess. They dont want to make a Terrible Mario game or people think they would just lose their touch making those games. And the Numbers they have now were better than the PS3 and 360 at Launch for them"

See what I mean? Nintendo's always right. The 3ds launch was a mistake on every aspect. Nintendo must be very stupid, because the only reason they are not like Sega now is because of that italian plumber and the March 17th pointy-eared guy. Metroid? Please. Smash Bros? Forget it. Even Pokemon, every 8 year old's dream, is a no-go. It's Mario and Link. To not have one of those games at launch is ridiculous. Nintendo claims they learned a bitter lesson, and that lesson is "If we don't have Mario, we will fail." There WILL be a Mario or Zelda game at Wii U launch, and if the 3ds gets wayyyyy more sales this Christmas, the bitter lesson will no doubt be valid.

But because there is a flicker at the end of the tunnel, Nintendo is right. Which calls for an epic *facepalm*. We all know what Nintendnerds will say if I call the Wii awful. "Then why does it have 80 million units sold?"

The Wii. A console straight from the Devil.

The Wii I will admit, was not a mistake in some ways, but an epic fail in others. The Wii is the cause of this very blog, which you all hate. There are more reasons, but that is for a later rant.

But you know what? Nintendnerds will give you that response we all know. Cue whiny voice. "But what about it's AMAZING games?" They resort to the games. Super Smash Bros Brawl, Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess. And Link and Mario are the only two common characters on the list. Sad. Because Nintendo is always right.

"They saved gaming"
"They revolutionized gaming"
"They're games have amazing gameplay!"

It all proves one thing: Nintendnerds suck.

Have a Merry Halloween, and don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fag of the Week: FoxioLinkus

This is a recurring post dedicated to my friends on Youtube. Every week, I will tell you about one very interesting fag.

First: FoxioLinkus. Now if you haven't guessed, Foxio's name is a simple equation.


FoxioLinkus is a 30 year old bum dedicated to opinions and being hypocritical. As stated, he is a fag who I do not like at all. In fact, I hate him.

"But why?"

Because he liked Nintendo, of course! And such a hypocrite. All Nintendo fans are, but more on that later.

Check out FoxioLinkus's channel on Youtube! And mine too, of course. And have a Merry Halloween!


Hello, people of Earth! Or whoever you are. My name is Christian Myers, but you all can, scratch that, will refer to me as Nintendhater.

"Why is my name that, Nintendhater?" 

Because I hate Nintend+o= Nintendo. That is right, this a gaming blog among millions. If you are not a gamer, fuck off!

All Nintendo fans are welcome, I made this blog for two purposes. First, to annoy Nintendnerds (otherwise known as fags). Second, and most importantly, to spread the Truth.

"What is the Truth?"

The truth is the fact that Nintendo sucks (both ways). Throughout each post, I will try to lean people towards the Truth. Now, on to rules of the blog!

1. You may comment. For or against me.
2.That's just about all of the rules.

Enjoy! First real post tonight! And don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube Channel!

If you dare!! Happy Halloween, folks!