Nintendo fanboys, I can't stand them. They're annoying, hypocritical, know-it-alls, but if there's one thing they're good at, it's rushing to Nintendo's defense. Everything Nintendo does is not wrong at all to them, nothing at all. For example, I was recently having a with a fanboy, who will be featured on this blog sooner or later.
Me: What games are good for the 3ds?
"The upcoming games. Mario Kart, Monster Hunter, Kid Icarus, Kingdom Hearts ect. 3DS has better online Blu Ray is not really useful for video games besides using the disk format. There are a lot of new upcoming features for the 3DS so you judging it right now makes no sense cause like every console it gets better as time goes on"
Me: I don't care for the future, I want good games that are out NOW.
"They have given release dates for these games so complaining each day is not changing anything."
Me: Of course! But I still want to know what great games for the 3ds I can go and get right now, not for Christmas.
"Yes i realize you want the Games. But we have all realized when these games come out they will not magically appear Tomorrow. They take time making games so they are good they dont just rush them out"
Me: So you're saying that the reason Mario wasn't at launch was because they need time? Nintendo isn't stupid. One Mario at launch= sales, more than the pathetic number they have now.
"They put it Out Too Early I guess. They dont want to make a Terrible Mario game or people think they would just lose their touch making those games. And the Numbers they have now were better than the PS3 and 360 at Launch for them"
See what I mean? Nintendo's always right. The 3ds launch was a mistake on every aspect. Nintendo must be very stupid, because the only reason they are not like Sega now is because of that italian plumber and the March 17th pointy-eared guy. Metroid? Please. Smash Bros? Forget it. Even Pokemon, every 8 year old's dream, is a no-go. It's Mario and Link. To not have one of those games at launch is ridiculous. Nintendo claims they learned a bitter lesson, and that lesson is "If we don't have Mario, we will fail." There WILL be a Mario or Zelda game at Wii U launch, and if the 3ds gets wayyyyy more sales this Christmas, the bitter lesson will no doubt be valid.
But because there is a flicker at the end of the tunnel, Nintendo is right. Which calls for an epic *facepalm*. We all know what Nintendnerds will say if I call the Wii awful. "Then why does it have 80 million units sold?"
![]() | ||
The Wii. A console straight from the Devil. |
The Wii I will admit, was not a mistake in some ways, but an epic fail in others. The Wii is the cause of this very blog, which you all hate. There are more reasons, but that is for a later rant.
But you know what? Nintendnerds will give you that response we all know. Cue whiny voice. "But what about it's AMAZING games?" They resort to the games. Super Smash Bros Brawl, Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess. And Link and Mario are the only two common characters on the list. Sad. Because Nintendo is always right.
"They saved gaming"
"They revolutionized gaming"
"They're games have amazing gameplay!"
It all proves one thing: Nintendnerds suck.
Have a Merry Halloween, and don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel!
Don't forget. This is all George Bush's fault too! :) (joke)
ReplyDeleteActually I agree with you on the fanboy part. They will worship Nintendo like they are God which is complete blasphemy but if you told that to them they will likely cuss you out and act all innocent about it. :p
How come your Anonymous section is not working?
ReplyDeleteI almost forgot I was logged in and went to use the Anonymous section and the page refused to change or show up a captcha to confirm my comment. Yet while on my Google account it went thru without a hitch once I went past the captcha screen that finally showed up.
By the way: Just because a million units are sold doesn't mean people like the product once they find out what it really does or doesn't.
ReplyDeleteHow often have you ever bought a PC game that looked fun to play and found out after installing that it was a total dog?
Don't worry that still counts as a game sale though!
I like how the Wii looks like a mouth wanting to suck you in.
ReplyDeleteQuote from Disney/Pixar's A Bugs Life. Don't look at the light! DON'T LOOK AT THE LIGHT!!!
Delete(Moths flying by the bug lamp*
Sorry for being anonymous and not logging in.
ReplyDeleteI lost all hope for nintendo after snes. I'll admit snes was great... but back then there was almost no competition other than Genesis. Then we got fanboys who are both fucking idiots and are in denial that keep saying "oh snes has better this/that" but fail to realize that snes came out 2 years later, and that's alot of time to develop new tech... which unfortunately it shows that nintendo hasn't spent a penny in this department. Pussying out, they wait until their competition comes out with the tech and just copy it and make it look like their own credit. Piss off nintendo, garbage of a company. The fanboys too, they fucking sicken me with this shitty arguments.
Now Sony. You're paying for power, quality, performance, etc.
Nintendo, you're paying for stolen shit that is turned into water down garbage.
I want to revolutionize a new term. It's called Nintendown Syndrome.
Medically speaking, Down Syndrome (ironically abbreviated DS.... LMAO and now you now why nintendo calls it that) is categorized by an individual having lower than average IQ due to the fact that they have 1 extra chromosome than normal humans (47 as oppose to a normal 46). Common symptoms include impediment in speech and the understanding of it, and reduced motor skills. You start touching a nintendo product and you might just mysteriously contract this disorder. It makes no sense to be able to but who knows... this shit is contagious and it has already shown that 100% of the fanboys have this right now. Kids, for example, have already fell victim.
Try having a discussion with a Nintendo fanboy and you will find out they are often contradict themselves.
ReplyDeleteOne moment they will say they don't give a s--t about sales but then ask another question about Mario's popularity and they will rant and rave at how many fans love it and that you are foolish for saying what you said.
So therefore do they care about sales or not?
The Super Nintendo is pretty trashy for the most part. Overpriced games of inferior quality (Gemfire, Mortal Kombat and Super Street Fighter II are cheaper and superior for the Sega Mega Drive), pseudo-3D game effects where stands are just map dots on navigating, etc and their fanboys like those fighting game idol fanboys (even losers from other genres) have kindergarten reasoning capabilities with these pea brains.
ReplyDeleteI think that Nintendo fanboys are the ones that voted Obama in twice because of his offer for free handouts and ph9ones! Forget fixing the infrastructure! Forget having better security at the border!
ReplyDeleteForget the fact both political parties are hijacked by the Illuminati! As long as it's my man he can do no harm!
As long as it's my game company they can do no harm!
This is the result of dumbing down the kids due to Ev0lution! We are trained to believe we are from monkeys so that's what you get is bigger monkeys!
I do admit I have a 3DS but didn't buy it right away and don't play it very often. Mostly I listen to my music on it as it allows SD cards to be stuck in which is cool!
ReplyDeleteI only want Majoras Mask 3DS if it comes out as NIntendo hinted. MAJORAS MASK!!!!!
It's the only game Nintendo ever did right. The rest is actually going backwards.
Correction. THe recent Zelda game plans to have the over world be really huge like the size of one of Japan's cities according to the interviewer and he plans to take Zelda back to it's roots of having open end gameplay.
ReplyDeleteMeaning you will be allowed to try dungeon 4 before dungeon 2 but you may not get very far if you don't have the right equipment or skills. Zelda is finally taken a step away from the cut/dry formula.
Skyward Sword I think is starting Zelda over which is why they took away the day/night cycle which I assume will be added again to allow more diversity and offer it's own challenges.
Some dungeons should be accessable only at night where you have to be at the right spot to see the entrance when the moon shines just right on it. You will get clues by talking to the right NPC's
Some dungeons should be natural where you are not really aware it's a *dungeoun* with it's theme and special item you only use in that dungeon.
I hope they bring back the bank too! I loved the concept in Majoras Mask of adding money to you're bank and the future Zelda Wii U should have it expand to interest and loans where you can either earn the item later in the game or get it on loan/credit if you have not progressed enough to have that item normally but you have to pay it back or it's taken away from you within a certain time frame.
ReplyDeleteMoney you get in the temples could be used to pay off you're loan in getting an item that lets you into it early.