Thursday, October 27, 2011


Hello, people of Earth! Or whoever you are. My name is Christian Myers, but you all can, scratch that, will refer to me as Nintendhater.

"Why is my name that, Nintendhater?" 

Because I hate Nintend+o= Nintendo. That is right, this a gaming blog among millions. If you are not a gamer, fuck off!

All Nintendo fans are welcome, I made this blog for two purposes. First, to annoy Nintendnerds (otherwise known as fags). Second, and most importantly, to spread the Truth.

"What is the Truth?"

The truth is the fact that Nintendo sucks (both ways). Throughout each post, I will try to lean people towards the Truth. Now, on to rules of the blog!

1. You may comment. For or against me.
2.That's just about all of the rules.

Enjoy! First real post tonight! And don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube Channel!

If you dare!! Happy Halloween, folks!


  1. There is no truth.

    1. purveyorofwaaisanonymousFebruary 4, 2012 at 8:20 AM

      Nintendo fans cannot see your "truth" because devoted fans of such a company will never admit the negatives of the company. However, as a Nintendo fan, I do admit that Nintendo has been getting TOO consistent lately, but not all Ninty fans are bad...
